Setting up economic activity
As a result of the first cycle of ABC of Entrepreneurship trainings our experts prepared professional guides about running a business. We encourage you to read the first document – “How to set up an economic activity?”
As a result of the first cycle of ABC of Entrepreneurship trainings our experts prepared professional guides about running a business. We encourage you to read the first document – “How to set up an economic activity?”
Another information about Polish language courses. We are opening completely new group for beginners who don’t speak any of Slavic languages.
We are starting with a new project, that is a realization of public task of the Town Office of the City of Warsaw. The term for this project is set from 12.09 till 01.11.2019.
Foundation for Somalia starts a second cycle of trainings for migrants on how to start and run business in Poland “Abc of entrepreneurship”. APPLY BY OCTOBER 11!
We have some good news! Our Polish language groups are finishing their tests this month and this means that soon there will be available places for people continuing their education!
We are looking for volunteers! If you want to join us, fill the registration form. We are waiting for you applications till 16th September.
On 27th August at 5.30 p.m. in the office of Foundation for Somalia there will be informational meeting (in Polish) concerning health care in Poland.
We have available places in the international group (for people who don’t speak Slavic languages) that is continuing A1 level.
Foundation for Somalia will be closed from 16th to 18th July. Polish lanugage courses will be held according to the teacher’s arrangements.
This has become our tradition – Neighbours’ Day. We invite all of these, who want to spend time in multicultural environment. Free entrance for everyone!
Zaprojektowano przez: Michał Szymanderski-Pastryk – marketing zaangażowany społecznie